Cuba Is For Lovers

A few months ago Elliot and I finally took our first vacation together. Our six year anniversary was in November and to celebrate we treated ourselves to an all inclusive trip to Cuba.  I had been before, for a destination wedding and loved it, so I knew Cuba, would be a great experience for us.  I may not get to do it very often, but I am really good at taking a vacation!

Hot days and warm nights are not usually my jam, but the exception is when you are in a beautiful place with the sent of the ocean in the air and no responsibility in sight!  Sure I missed Wilbur and I was worried about how my grandmother was doing while we were away, but it felt like I could just turn my brain off for a minute and just enjoy.

It was such an amazing time to reconnect as a couple as well.  Every day was chill and playful and every night was date night!  We got dressed up, went to fancy dinners and just got to be, together and in love.

My style in Cuba was a mix of feminine and minimal.  I’m a hot person.  Even on the coldest days, I’m the warm one. So when the only relief from the heat was moving from one AC to another, you adapt.

During the day I lived in cute cover-up and skirts.  Anything airy and light.  We spent almost all our days on the beach, so light layers over swimwear gave me the freedom to not waste time going back and forth to our room to change when we headed out to lunch.

At night, we got fancy. It’s always nice to have a reason to dress up with Elliot, and it’s not something we have the opportunity to do often.  With our package we had a lot of à la carte dinners, so we got dressed up for each other.

Our trip was much needed and gave us a new adventure to share in together.  Obviously when a fashion designer/blogger and her photographer boyfriend go on vacation together, there will be a lot of photos.  Next week keep an eye out for a post dedicated to my swimwear looks in Cuba...there were a lot!